jeudi 11 septembre 2014


Australia "the Lucky Country", so called for its wealth of raw materials, the sun and scenery is certainly too new to provide historical treasures, apart from the sites of Aboriginal rock art. But Australia lives on the myth of countries still to clear. To the east of Australia, an impressive mountain range called "Great Dividing Range" and the Blue Mountains in eastern Sydney are guarantors of a rare and diverse environment. Wide horizons within Australia are challenged by the reputation of the coast, with the Great Barrier Reef the highlight.

ID card
- Capital: The capital of Australia is Canberra
- Currency: In Australia you pay in Australian dollars
- Celebration: In Australia, celebrates Australia Day, 26 January all.
- Time difference: When it's noon in France in Perth is between April and October 18h, 19h November to March; in Sydney, he is 20h and 22h from April to October from November to March.
- Official Language: The official language of Australia is English
- Major cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Newcastle, Wollongong, Gold Coast, Hobart
- Religion: In Australia, the proportion of Catholics (26%) is similar to that of the followers of the Anglican Church of Australia (26, 1%).

- Population: In Australia, there are 20 million people

In Australia during the southern summer, from December to February, the weather is pleasant throughout the southern states. But the center of Australia is so overwhelmed by the heat and aridity. Northern Australia will be very wet. In South Australia and the island of Tasmania, the winters are cold (less than 10 ° from Adelaide to Melbourne) and hot summers (more than 20 ° on average).

Sixth largest country in the world, Australia is located between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

Australia extends over 7,713,360 square kilometers

The climax of Australia's Mount Kosciusko 2,230 m

Longueure the coast of Australia is 25 760 km

All types of travelers find their account in Australia. Renowned for its beautiful beaches, which offer surfers the best waves in the world, Australia is home to the "eighth wonder of the world": the Great Barrier Reef. A land of contrasts is characterized by the beauty of its interior territories is in the bush of central Australia, in the middle of red and upland trees that lived long aborigines. Further east of Australia, lie the "Blue Mountains" by eucalyptus and interspersed with canyons and waterfalls. Rainforest, desert, mountain gorges and huge craters: the Northern National Parks of Australia offer a variety of remarkable landscapes.


SICILY, one of the cradles of civilization, calls for a strong first experience with the beauty of its landscapes, more than a thousand miles of coastline, dotted with bays, archipelagos and volcanoes, but also because Sicily reveals the many components of our culture. All came to Sicily to confront her: Sicani from Iberia, Greeks, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans, Spaniards, Italians and finally. Sicilian cities, ancient sites, churches and palaces, and even its cuisine, still bear the trace of this interbreeding.

© The Brasca Bruno, Francesco La Brasca, Raphaelle Vinon

ID card
- Capital: Palermo is the capital of Sicily
- Currency: The euro is used in Sicily
- Holiday: Republic Day, 2 June (1946)
- Time difference: No time difference in Sicily
- Official language: Italian is spoken in Sicily
- Major cities: Catania, Messina, Syracuse
- Religion: In Sicily, 98% of the population is Catholic.

- Population: Sicily ACCOUNT 5,140,000 inhabitants

In Sicily, the summers are hot, tempered by sea breezes.
The sirocco, dry wind from Africa, often blows in this season in the interior of Sicily.
Temperatures in Sicily are milder in winter and many more precipitation.
The triangular shape of Sicily earned him the nickname of Trinacria ("the island with three points") by the Greeks.
Sicily is the largest of the Mediterranean islands (25,400 km2, 25,707 km2 with its archipelagos). To the east of Sicily is separated from the Italian peninsula by the Strait of Messina, off only 3 km, while in the south-west Africa, particularly Tunisia are a few hours by boat.
Located in the center of the Mediterranean, Sicily is caressed by the Tyrrhenian Sea to the north, east Ionian and Mediterranean in the south.
The numerous islands and islets that surround Sicily give his ribs a very colorful character.

© The Brasca Bruno, Francesco La Brasca, Raphaelle Vinon

Sicily covers 25,700 square kilometers

The coast of Sicily is 1 100 km long

The largest island in the Mediterranean, Sicily is a mecca of Italian tourism. Taormina, which combines the beauty of its bay to the quality of its historical evidence, is a seaside resort that has enough secrets, like most of those on the east coast of Sicily, the busiest.
We can divide the volcanic area of Sicily in three: the Aeolian (Monte Sant'Angelo, Vulcano, Stromboli), the Sicily Channel (underwater volcanoes, the Giulia) and Mount Etna. The climb that leads to the crater of Etna takes two and a half hours of walking, among others from the Sapienza refuge and after taking the cable car or truck off-road. It is best done in the morning and has nothing but grueling prior request to take all the information and all the pledges necessary security. The flanks of the volcano vary the show: true lava desert or particular vegetation.
To protect the historic heritage and natural treasures of Sicily, many parks, reserves and protected areas have been created. This is particularly true of the Riserva Naturale di Monte Pellegrino where coexist harmoniously over 1000 species of plants, migratory birds and reptiles, among the caves covered with graffiti Paleolithic.

Djerba- Tunisia

Djerba is a small sunny island southern Tunisia mentioned by Herodotus and sung by Homer. Djerba assume without its tourist complex. Throughout the year, the hotel clubs Djerba welcome cohorts charter tourists landed. These travelers often take the plane having seen the postcard beaches of the northeast coast and tourist stalls Houmt Souk, the capital. Too bad, because Djerba has other attractions. The island of Djerba has built, over the centuries, a powerful identity, as evidenced by its habitat and social organization.

ID card
- Capital: Houmt Souk is the capital of Djerba
- Currency: Tunisian dinar is used in Djerba, as in the rest of Tunisia.
- Day: Independence of Tunisia, March 20 (1956)
- Official Language: Arabic is spoken in Djerba and the rest of Tunisia
- Major cities: Midoun
- Religion: Islam is predominant in Djerba and the rest of Tunisia.

- Population: 120 000 Djerba

A Djerba, the climate is mild throughout the year, temperatures never falling below 10 ° C.

Djerba is a small island in south-eastern Tunisia.
Located in the Gulf of Gabes, Djerba stretches 25km long and 22km wide.
Djerba is a flat island: the highest point is the Guellala Djerba, which rises to 52 meters ...!

Djerba extends over 514 square kilometers

Djerba has a coastline of 125 km long

The main town of Djerba has over twenty thousand inhabitants. The city lies between two north-south axis: the Avenue Habib Bourguiba, west and Avenida Abdelhamid al-Kadhi, to the east. It houses the souks, the central market and fish market. As you walk through its streets, you will discover authentic fondouks and adorable flower plots. North of the city, the Bordj el Kebir always watch over the harbor and new marina.

This is the tourist area with a concentration of hotels that line up along the vast beach of Sidi Mahrès and passed the Taguermes and lighthouse along the beach Seguia up Aghir. In the interior, Midoun, the second city of Djerba (nearly seven thousand.) Attracts crowds of the hotel zone with narrow streets lined with souvenir shops.

In the center of the island of Djerba, Erriadh, former home of Jewish settlement houses a synagogue dating from the fifth century BC. Continuing south you will come to Guellela, a Berber village famous for its ceramics. On this side, fans will find a lot less crowded than the tourist area beaches.

mardi 19 août 2014

Marquesas islands

High islands, studies, no lagoons, rugged landscape, the Marquesas have taken advantage of their differences. In the Marquesas, unspoilt and spectacular nature provides the setting for an heiress culture of "civilization tiki". Culture in stone and wood, designed on the skin, so strong that it obscures the other archipelagos. The Marquesas have attracted Melville and Stevenson and retain Gauguin and Brel. They will make you find that there are "wild" in you.
ID card
- Capital: Taiohae (Nuku Hiva) is the most important cities of the Marquesas
- Currency: The Pacific Franc is used in the Marquesas
- Feast: As in the rest of Polynesia, the Marquesas, we celebrate the storming of the Bastille (July 14)
- Time difference: When it is noon in France, it is 0:30 in the Marquesas in summer (1:30 am during our winter)
- Official language: French is spoken in the Marquesas
- Major cities: Taiohae (Nuku Hiva) Atuona (Hiva Oa) and Hakahau (Ua Pou) are the main villages of the Marquesas
- Religion: Catholicism is the predominant religion in the Marquesas
- Population: The 8700 population count MARQUISES
It's hot all year round and Polynesia Marquesas: average high temperatures (27 ° C) and rub those on the surface of the sea (28 ° C).
There are two seasons in the Marquesas: Hot and humid season during the austral summer (November-April), March being the hottest months (27-30 ° C), "fresh" and dry season during the austral winter (May-October), August being the coolest months (25-28 ° C).
The atmosphere and the rugged landscape of the Marquesas can not be ignored. In contrast to those of other island groups of French Polynesia, the majestic scenery, rugged Marquesas give the appearance of a fortress inaccessible greatly strengthened by the geographical isolation of the archipelago: the Marquesas are indeed located at 1500 km northeast of Tahiti.
Twelve islands make up the Marquesas, six inhabited Nuku Hiva, Hiva Oa, Ua Pou, Ua Huka, Hiva Tahuata and Fatu.
The highest point is Mount Marquesas Temetui (1276 m), located on Hiva Oa Island.
The land area of the Marquesas totaled 1048km2 and marine area 10 000 km
High volcanic islands, the Marquesas are from 1 to 6,000,000 years. Their peaks at over 1 000m, form ridge lines often punctuated by spectacular peaks; trays are few in the Marquesas, and the rare coastal plains, the coast consisting essentially of steep cliffs.

To see / to do
Islands marquee
While staying at MARQUISES, do not miss:
- Archaeological sites and Puamau Taaoa to Hiva Oa and those Paeke and Hatiheu to Nuku Hiva
- The fare (traditional dwelling)
- Cultural Centre Paul Gauguin and Space Brel to Hiva Oa
- The rocks flowery Ua Pou
- The cascade Hakaui Nuku Hiva
- Diving in Nuku Hiva to see Electra dolphins
when to go
The peak tourist season in the Marquesas and Polynesia is the austral winter (July and August) and holiday season.
Marine biodiversity MARQUISES is extraordinary: we can observe Electra dolphins, hammerhead sharks, manta rays and leopard, barracudas and scorpion fish.
Agenda festivities
- March: Mini-festival of the Marquesas, which takes place on a different island each year
- December: Marquesas Festival, which takes place every four years in a different island. The next Festival will take place in the Marquesas in 2011 to Nuku Hiva.
The MARQUISES maintained a wildness
The Marquesas are a distant destination
During your stay in the Marquesas, enjoy these specialties:
- Goat Coconut Milk
- Ika mito: raw fish marquisien
- Popoi: fermented fruit flesh of the breadfruit
- Kaaku fruit of the breadfruit cooked over a wood fire

Found in the Marquesas, many fish and products from agriculture (coconut, lemon and grapefruit).

Algeria The Sahara land

For who like to walk, the Sahara in Algeria takes its finest, thanks to the harsh beauty of tassilis (plateaus) and the majestic peaks of the Hoggar. For those who do not like the desert, northern Algeria opens again: whether Alger "White" Kabylia or Roman sites Tipaza, Djémila or Timgad, the choice is wide and often amazing.

ID card
- Capital: Algiers.
- Currency: Algerian dinar.
- Day: November 1st.
- Time difference: no lag in winter compared to France, one hour less in summer.
- Official language: Arabic, Berber, French.
- Major cities: Oran, Constantine, Annaba, Tamanrasset, El Golea, Tlemcen, Ghardaia, Bechar, Biskra, Sidi Bel Abbes.
- Religion: the vast majority of Algerians are Muslims. Strong Jewish and Christian minorities.

- Population: 35.4 million inhabitants

The country is roughly divided into three climatic zones: the coast, the north, the Mediterranean climate; the mountains (northwest and southeast), where it snows and freezes in the winter, while summer is very hot; finally the desert, which represents most of the territory of Algeria, where the heat is bearable in high region (tempered by altitude), but overwhelming in the lower regions.

Algeria is the largest country in the Maghreb. Its territory deep plunges south in the Sahara desert, which constitutes more than two thirds and extend where large deposits of oil and natural gas. Population, very young, is concentrated in the north, along the coast to the Mediterranean climate and the mountains of medium altitude, as the Aures and Kabylia.

2,382,000 square kilometers

Mount Tahats, 2918 m.

1 280 km

While the desert covers most of the territory of Algeria, one can also find other types of landscapes: the coast, north succession of rocky coves and long white beaches, in mountains of Kabylia, the slopes covered with forests and where it snows in winter easily, and finally in the many oases, with their ksars with sparkling walls, their palms and their extraordinary gardens.

To see / to do
- Tassili Hoggar Assekrem (hermitage) tassili Ajjer (rock carvings) Tadrart;
- Valleys (Tefedest, Amadror) oasis (Timimoun).

The landscapes of the north:
- Mzab Kabylie.

- Tlemcen, Tipaza, Djemila Cherchell Timgad.

- Algiers, Oran, Constantine, El Oued.

- Oran to Annaba.
when to go
To visit the great cities of the coast, it is better to choose the spring or early fall. Spring is a perfect time because the scenery is much greener than summer and the weather is mild and sunny. Be aware that it can get quite cold in the winter in the mountains.
Sheep, goats, camels, foxes, wild cats, weasels, jackals, gazelles.
Date palms, oaks (cork oak or zéens), cedars, pines, olive trees, cypresses, oleander, many fruit trees (lemon, almond, apricot, orange, pomegranate ...).
Agenda festivities
- March-April: Feast of the town of El Oued;
- July 5: Independence Day;
- Ramadan: the ninth month of the Islamic calendar (lunar months are and will shift a little more each year compared to the Gregorian calendar), the month of fasting and prayer ending with a Grende party;
- November 1: Anniversary of the Revolution;
- Eid al-Adha: Feast of Sacrifice, begins seventy days after the end of Ramadan;
- January 1: New Year's Day.
- The gradual return to a "tourist life" and not just in the south;
- Diversity: those who do not want to venture into the wilderness can visit Algiers, the mountainous Kabylie or Roman sites in the north;
- French is widely practiced.
- The country, convalescent, just emerging from five years of turmoil and to consolidate its new image;
- The Mediterranean coast remains to "revitalize" it is still not very popular with international tourism.
The image of a corseted and austere country no longer valid once the threshold of a tavern where the manifest rai vogue, mainly in Oran are crossed. If you want to have an idea of Algerian youth in transition, both dreamy and protest, this is the place to go.
Northern Algeria has not quite finished with the time of the 1990 attacks, but security is not an empty word. The tourist is still invited to be well informed before approaching a particular region.
- Couscous, the national dish. It is composed by region, mutton or chicken, chickpeas, vegetables (turnips, eggplant, zucchini), decorated with raisins and accompanied by steamed semolina;
- The Chorba soup, mutton, vegetables and herbs;
- The bourek, filo pastry with a filling made ​​of onions and fried eggs
- The berkoukes pasta shaped large grains of couscous;
- The barbecue, whole roast lamb on a spit;
- The dolma, dish stuffed with meat and vegetables with spices;
- The kesra, slab of wheat, barley or couscous;
- The Chakchouka, tomatoes, peppers (green, red and yellow), onions and garlic cooked ratatouille and sometimes with eggs;
- The keddid, dried meat (usually lamb);
- The makrots, cakes lozenges with honey and dates;
- The dizriettes, small pastries with almonds and honey flavored with orange blossom;
- The Kalb el LOWZ, semolina cakes with almond paste and rose water.

- Olives;
- Figs;
- Dates;
- Oranges;
- Clementines;
- Melons;
- Watermelons.

lundi 18 août 2014

How do you like india ?

"How do you like India? "At the ritual question posed to visitors most of the people of India, can be answered with a broad affirmative. Backed by a rich architectural heritage, the myth of the fervor and sanctity was first trained generations of backpackers on the defunct "Passage to India". Today, visitors from all styles began to travel around India.

ID card
- Capital: New Delhi is the capital of India.
- Currency: Indian rupee is the currency of India.
- Feast: India, the Republic Day is celebrated on January 26.
- Time difference: when it is noon in France, it is 3:30 p.m. in summer and 16.30 in winter in India.
- Official language: India, neighboring Hindi with fifteen recognized languages ​​and thousands of dialects and is spoken by an Indian in three.
- Major cities: Mumbai (Bombay), Calcutta, Chennal (formerly Madras), Pondicherry are the major cities of India.
- Religion in India, Hindus, followers of the Vedic religion, the majority (83%). Represented Muslims about 10% of the population. In India, there are also Christians, especially in southern India, and Sikhs.

- Population: India has 1.13 billion people

India has three seasons: winter, summer and monsoon season. The sunniest months are going to India from November to March.

India is a vast territory that the frequently mentioned under the term "sub-continent". This is a broad peninsula that extends deep into the ocean which India has given its name. To the north, India shares borders with many Asian countries, including China, Pakistan and Bangladesh for the largest in area.

India covers 3,287,590 square kilometers

Kangchenjunga, better known as the K2 8,611 m, is the highlight of India.

The coasts of India extend over 7 000 km

Since India is a vast territory, its landscapes are extremely diverse. In northern India, the landscape is one of the most mountainous of the world because there is a part of the Himalayan range. In southern India, the temperatures are very high. The tropical climate enjoyed by some of the Indian subcontinent has created deep and lush jungles.

Cuba travel Guide

Many years ago that the authorities have decided to revive tourism in Cuba to make up for lost time and currency. They expect hundreds of miles of coastline in Cuba, on mountain landscapes conducive to hiking on perennial traditions like salsa (born in Cuba), the warm welcome of the people, and also some pictures as 'hackneyed image of the inhabitants of Cuba, cigar in mouth leaning on an old American car.

ID card
- Capital: The capital of Cuba is Havana
- Currency: In Cuba we pay in "convertible peso" (CUC)
- Feast: A Cuba's Independence Day is celebrated on July 26.
- Time difference: When it is noon in France, Cuba is 6 pm in summer and winter.
- Official Language: The official language of Cuba is Spanish
- Major cities: Santiago de Cuba, Camagüey, Holguín, Guantánamo, Santa Clara, Bayamo, Cienfuegos, Pinar del Rio, Las Tunas
- Religion: In Cuba, one in two do not claim any religion.

Un ancien fonctionnaire devenu agriculteur privé à Cuba
- Population: In Cuba, there are 11,309,000 people

In Cuba, there are two seasons. From November to April is the cool season. From May to October, Cuba, is the rainy season. The weather is very hot and humid and precipitation are important on the coast of Cuba.

Located in the Caribbean Sea, Cuba consists of the main island of Cuba, the Youth and over 4,000 small rocky islets.

Cuba extends over 110,860 square kilometers

The highest point is the Pico Turquino Cuba at 2005 m

The length of the coast of Cuba is 3 735 km

Most of Cuba is covered by fertile plains. Cuba also has a few mountain ranges modest relief (Sierra Maestra along the south coast, Sierra del Escambray in the center of Cuba, Sierra de los Organos west).

Un ancien fonctionnaire imite une vedette de la chanson cubaine à La Havane

- Beaches of the Caribbean Sea (Varadero, Cayo Largo, Cayo Coco, Guardalavaca)
- Cruises around Cuba

The cities of Cuba:
- Baroque churches, cathedrals and colonial houses (Trinidad, Havana, Santiago de Cuba, Cienfuegos, Sancti Spiritus, Baracoa), Che Guevara mausoleum in Santa Clara (hero of Cuba)

Landscapes of Cuba:
- Oriente (Sierra Maestra Sierra del Escambray)
- Sierra de los Organos Valley Vunales
when to go
The best time to discover Cuba's winter, during the dry season. Avoid starting in September and October because of hurricane risks.
In Cuba you can see: Zunzuncito or hummingbird; Eleutherodactylus iberia; Bat butterfly; Scorpion-tailed; crocodile; parrot; woodpecker; Rossignol; Tocororo; Solenodon Cuba (very rare mammal)
In Cuba you can see: White Mariposa (national emblem of Cuba); mahogany; cedar; Ironwood; mango; guava; grapefruit; avocado; Chocolate orchids; palm; Pin; coconut; eucalyptus; baobab
Agenda festivities
Dates not to miss in Cuba are:
- January 1: anniversary of the triumph of the revolution in Cuba
- January 28: Feast for the birth of Jose Marti (politician, poet and hero of Cuba)
- Feb. 24: Commemoration of the beginning of the second war of independence (1895)
- April 19: Anniversary of the victory of the Bay of Pigs in 1961, Cuba on the United States
- April (third week): international percussion festival in Havana
- May: Folklore Festival in Havana
- July (first week): Del Caribe festival in Santiago de Cuba
- From July 25 to 27: National Day of Cuba
- Late July: Carnival in Santiago de Cuba and Havana
- August (second week): No Habana Cuba hip hop (rap festival in Havana)
- July 30: Day of the Martyrs of the Resistance
- October 8: Celebrating the death of Che Guevara (hero of Cuba)
- November: great contemporary art event in Havana
- December (first week): International Jazz Festival in Havana
- December: Festival of Latin American Cinema in Havana.
- The dynamics of tourism, including Cuba chose to make a major economic asset after the loss of Soviet umbrella
- Cuba has one of the richest historical heritage in the Caribbean.
- A cost of tourist life in Cuba is higher than it appears
- The geographic, economic and human cleavage between visitors and locals in tourist places
- An unfavorable climatic season between June and October, on Cuba.
Leave a little salsa and mojitos, barter them for a sunrise over the valley of Viñales: it is the other magic of Cuba, but you have to hurry to go there and do not repeat it .. .
Precautions before going to Cuba
The country is one of the safest in the Caribbean region. Few flights we deplore in any case as long as the western tourist does not flaunt his wealth.
Cuban cuisine is a mix of Spanish, Asian and African influences
- Tortilla with meat and cheese
- Suffrito
- Congri: meat (chicken or pork) with rice and black beans
- Zambrilla: fried banana slices
- Chicharrones: fried pork skin
- Picadillo the habanera: minced veal
- Guenguel: dessert made ​​from corn, sugar and cinnamon

Cuba is known for its:
- Cigars, emblems of Cuba
- Green bananas
- rum