lundi 18 août 2014

How do you like india ?

"How do you like India? "At the ritual question posed to visitors most of the people of India, can be answered with a broad affirmative. Backed by a rich architectural heritage, the myth of the fervor and sanctity was first trained generations of backpackers on the defunct "Passage to India". Today, visitors from all styles began to travel around India.

ID card
- Capital: New Delhi is the capital of India.
- Currency: Indian rupee is the currency of India.
- Feast: India, the Republic Day is celebrated on January 26.
- Time difference: when it is noon in France, it is 3:30 p.m. in summer and 16.30 in winter in India.
- Official language: India, neighboring Hindi with fifteen recognized languages ​​and thousands of dialects and is spoken by an Indian in three.
- Major cities: Mumbai (Bombay), Calcutta, Chennal (formerly Madras), Pondicherry are the major cities of India.
- Religion in India, Hindus, followers of the Vedic religion, the majority (83%). Represented Muslims about 10% of the population. In India, there are also Christians, especially in southern India, and Sikhs.

- Population: India has 1.13 billion people

India has three seasons: winter, summer and monsoon season. The sunniest months are going to India from November to March.

India is a vast territory that the frequently mentioned under the term "sub-continent". This is a broad peninsula that extends deep into the ocean which India has given its name. To the north, India shares borders with many Asian countries, including China, Pakistan and Bangladesh for the largest in area.

India covers 3,287,590 square kilometers

Kangchenjunga, better known as the K2 8,611 m, is the highlight of India.

The coasts of India extend over 7 000 km

Since India is a vast territory, its landscapes are extremely diverse. In northern India, the landscape is one of the most mountainous of the world because there is a part of the Himalayan range. In southern India, the temperatures are very high. The tropical climate enjoyed by some of the Indian subcontinent has created deep and lush jungles.

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