mardi 19 août 2014

Algeria The Sahara land

For who like to walk, the Sahara in Algeria takes its finest, thanks to the harsh beauty of tassilis (plateaus) and the majestic peaks of the Hoggar. For those who do not like the desert, northern Algeria opens again: whether Alger "White" Kabylia or Roman sites Tipaza, Djémila or Timgad, the choice is wide and often amazing.

ID card
- Capital: Algiers.
- Currency: Algerian dinar.
- Day: November 1st.
- Time difference: no lag in winter compared to France, one hour less in summer.
- Official language: Arabic, Berber, French.
- Major cities: Oran, Constantine, Annaba, Tamanrasset, El Golea, Tlemcen, Ghardaia, Bechar, Biskra, Sidi Bel Abbes.
- Religion: the vast majority of Algerians are Muslims. Strong Jewish and Christian minorities.

- Population: 35.4 million inhabitants

The country is roughly divided into three climatic zones: the coast, the north, the Mediterranean climate; the mountains (northwest and southeast), where it snows and freezes in the winter, while summer is very hot; finally the desert, which represents most of the territory of Algeria, where the heat is bearable in high region (tempered by altitude), but overwhelming in the lower regions.

Algeria is the largest country in the Maghreb. Its territory deep plunges south in the Sahara desert, which constitutes more than two thirds and extend where large deposits of oil and natural gas. Population, very young, is concentrated in the north, along the coast to the Mediterranean climate and the mountains of medium altitude, as the Aures and Kabylia.

2,382,000 square kilometers

Mount Tahats, 2918 m.

1 280 km

While the desert covers most of the territory of Algeria, one can also find other types of landscapes: the coast, north succession of rocky coves and long white beaches, in mountains of Kabylia, the slopes covered with forests and where it snows in winter easily, and finally in the many oases, with their ksars with sparkling walls, their palms and their extraordinary gardens.

To see / to do
- Tassili Hoggar Assekrem (hermitage) tassili Ajjer (rock carvings) Tadrart;
- Valleys (Tefedest, Amadror) oasis (Timimoun).

The landscapes of the north:
- Mzab Kabylie.

- Tlemcen, Tipaza, Djemila Cherchell Timgad.

- Algiers, Oran, Constantine, El Oued.

- Oran to Annaba.
when to go
To visit the great cities of the coast, it is better to choose the spring or early fall. Spring is a perfect time because the scenery is much greener than summer and the weather is mild and sunny. Be aware that it can get quite cold in the winter in the mountains.
Sheep, goats, camels, foxes, wild cats, weasels, jackals, gazelles.
Date palms, oaks (cork oak or zéens), cedars, pines, olive trees, cypresses, oleander, many fruit trees (lemon, almond, apricot, orange, pomegranate ...).
Agenda festivities
- March-April: Feast of the town of El Oued;
- July 5: Independence Day;
- Ramadan: the ninth month of the Islamic calendar (lunar months are and will shift a little more each year compared to the Gregorian calendar), the month of fasting and prayer ending with a Grende party;
- November 1: Anniversary of the Revolution;
- Eid al-Adha: Feast of Sacrifice, begins seventy days after the end of Ramadan;
- January 1: New Year's Day.
- The gradual return to a "tourist life" and not just in the south;
- Diversity: those who do not want to venture into the wilderness can visit Algiers, the mountainous Kabylie or Roman sites in the north;
- French is widely practiced.
- The country, convalescent, just emerging from five years of turmoil and to consolidate its new image;
- The Mediterranean coast remains to "revitalize" it is still not very popular with international tourism.
The image of a corseted and austere country no longer valid once the threshold of a tavern where the manifest rai vogue, mainly in Oran are crossed. If you want to have an idea of Algerian youth in transition, both dreamy and protest, this is the place to go.
Northern Algeria has not quite finished with the time of the 1990 attacks, but security is not an empty word. The tourist is still invited to be well informed before approaching a particular region.
- Couscous, the national dish. It is composed by region, mutton or chicken, chickpeas, vegetables (turnips, eggplant, zucchini), decorated with raisins and accompanied by steamed semolina;
- The Chorba soup, mutton, vegetables and herbs;
- The bourek, filo pastry with a filling made ​​of onions and fried eggs
- The berkoukes pasta shaped large grains of couscous;
- The barbecue, whole roast lamb on a spit;
- The dolma, dish stuffed with meat and vegetables with spices;
- The kesra, slab of wheat, barley or couscous;
- The Chakchouka, tomatoes, peppers (green, red and yellow), onions and garlic cooked ratatouille and sometimes with eggs;
- The keddid, dried meat (usually lamb);
- The makrots, cakes lozenges with honey and dates;
- The dizriettes, small pastries with almonds and honey flavored with orange blossom;
- The Kalb el LOWZ, semolina cakes with almond paste and rose water.

- Olives;
- Figs;
- Dates;
- Oranges;
- Clementines;
- Melons;
- Watermelons.

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