mardi 19 août 2014

Marquesas islands

High islands, studies, no lagoons, rugged landscape, the Marquesas have taken advantage of their differences. In the Marquesas, unspoilt and spectacular nature provides the setting for an heiress culture of "civilization tiki". Culture in stone and wood, designed on the skin, so strong that it obscures the other archipelagos. The Marquesas have attracted Melville and Stevenson and retain Gauguin and Brel. They will make you find that there are "wild" in you.
ID card
- Capital: Taiohae (Nuku Hiva) is the most important cities of the Marquesas
- Currency: The Pacific Franc is used in the Marquesas
- Feast: As in the rest of Polynesia, the Marquesas, we celebrate the storming of the Bastille (July 14)
- Time difference: When it is noon in France, it is 0:30 in the Marquesas in summer (1:30 am during our winter)
- Official language: French is spoken in the Marquesas
- Major cities: Taiohae (Nuku Hiva) Atuona (Hiva Oa) and Hakahau (Ua Pou) are the main villages of the Marquesas
- Religion: Catholicism is the predominant religion in the Marquesas
- Population: The 8700 population count MARQUISES
It's hot all year round and Polynesia Marquesas: average high temperatures (27 ° C) and rub those on the surface of the sea (28 ° C).
There are two seasons in the Marquesas: Hot and humid season during the austral summer (November-April), March being the hottest months (27-30 ° C), "fresh" and dry season during the austral winter (May-October), August being the coolest months (25-28 ° C).
The atmosphere and the rugged landscape of the Marquesas can not be ignored. In contrast to those of other island groups of French Polynesia, the majestic scenery, rugged Marquesas give the appearance of a fortress inaccessible greatly strengthened by the geographical isolation of the archipelago: the Marquesas are indeed located at 1500 km northeast of Tahiti.
Twelve islands make up the Marquesas, six inhabited Nuku Hiva, Hiva Oa, Ua Pou, Ua Huka, Hiva Tahuata and Fatu.
The highest point is Mount Marquesas Temetui (1276 m), located on Hiva Oa Island.
The land area of the Marquesas totaled 1048km2 and marine area 10 000 km
High volcanic islands, the Marquesas are from 1 to 6,000,000 years. Their peaks at over 1 000m, form ridge lines often punctuated by spectacular peaks; trays are few in the Marquesas, and the rare coastal plains, the coast consisting essentially of steep cliffs.

To see / to do
Islands marquee
While staying at MARQUISES, do not miss:
- Archaeological sites and Puamau Taaoa to Hiva Oa and those Paeke and Hatiheu to Nuku Hiva
- The fare (traditional dwelling)
- Cultural Centre Paul Gauguin and Space Brel to Hiva Oa
- The rocks flowery Ua Pou
- The cascade Hakaui Nuku Hiva
- Diving in Nuku Hiva to see Electra dolphins
when to go
The peak tourist season in the Marquesas and Polynesia is the austral winter (July and August) and holiday season.
Marine biodiversity MARQUISES is extraordinary: we can observe Electra dolphins, hammerhead sharks, manta rays and leopard, barracudas and scorpion fish.
Agenda festivities
- March: Mini-festival of the Marquesas, which takes place on a different island each year
- December: Marquesas Festival, which takes place every four years in a different island. The next Festival will take place in the Marquesas in 2011 to Nuku Hiva.
The MARQUISES maintained a wildness
The Marquesas are a distant destination
During your stay in the Marquesas, enjoy these specialties:
- Goat Coconut Milk
- Ika mito: raw fish marquisien
- Popoi: fermented fruit flesh of the breadfruit
- Kaaku fruit of the breadfruit cooked over a wood fire

Found in the Marquesas, many fish and products from agriculture (coconut, lemon and grapefruit).

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