mardi 19 août 2014

Marquesas islands

High islands, studies, no lagoons, rugged landscape, the Marquesas have taken advantage of their differences. In the Marquesas, unspoilt and spectacular nature provides the setting for an heiress culture of "civilization tiki". Culture in stone and wood, designed on the skin, so strong that it obscures the other archipelagos. The Marquesas have attracted Melville and Stevenson and retain Gauguin and Brel. They will make you find that there are "wild" in you.
ID card
- Capital: Taiohae (Nuku Hiva) is the most important cities of the Marquesas
- Currency: The Pacific Franc is used in the Marquesas
- Feast: As in the rest of Polynesia, the Marquesas, we celebrate the storming of the Bastille (July 14)
- Time difference: When it is noon in France, it is 0:30 in the Marquesas in summer (1:30 am during our winter)
- Official language: French is spoken in the Marquesas
- Major cities: Taiohae (Nuku Hiva) Atuona (Hiva Oa) and Hakahau (Ua Pou) are the main villages of the Marquesas
- Religion: Catholicism is the predominant religion in the Marquesas
- Population: The 8700 population count MARQUISES
It's hot all year round and Polynesia Marquesas: average high temperatures (27 ° C) and rub those on the surface of the sea (28 ° C).
There are two seasons in the Marquesas: Hot and humid season during the austral summer (November-April), March being the hottest months (27-30 ° C), "fresh" and dry season during the austral winter (May-October), August being the coolest months (25-28 ° C).
The atmosphere and the rugged landscape of the Marquesas can not be ignored. In contrast to those of other island groups of French Polynesia, the majestic scenery, rugged Marquesas give the appearance of a fortress inaccessible greatly strengthened by the geographical isolation of the archipelago: the Marquesas are indeed located at 1500 km northeast of Tahiti.
Twelve islands make up the Marquesas, six inhabited Nuku Hiva, Hiva Oa, Ua Pou, Ua Huka, Hiva Tahuata and Fatu.
The highest point is Mount Marquesas Temetui (1276 m), located on Hiva Oa Island.
The land area of the Marquesas totaled 1048km2 and marine area 10 000 km
High volcanic islands, the Marquesas are from 1 to 6,000,000 years. Their peaks at over 1 000m, form ridge lines often punctuated by spectacular peaks; trays are few in the Marquesas, and the rare coastal plains, the coast consisting essentially of steep cliffs.

To see / to do
Islands marquee
While staying at MARQUISES, do not miss:
- Archaeological sites and Puamau Taaoa to Hiva Oa and those Paeke and Hatiheu to Nuku Hiva
- The fare (traditional dwelling)
- Cultural Centre Paul Gauguin and Space Brel to Hiva Oa
- The rocks flowery Ua Pou
- The cascade Hakaui Nuku Hiva
- Diving in Nuku Hiva to see Electra dolphins
when to go
The peak tourist season in the Marquesas and Polynesia is the austral winter (July and August) and holiday season.
Marine biodiversity MARQUISES is extraordinary: we can observe Electra dolphins, hammerhead sharks, manta rays and leopard, barracudas and scorpion fish.
Agenda festivities
- March: Mini-festival of the Marquesas, which takes place on a different island each year
- December: Marquesas Festival, which takes place every four years in a different island. The next Festival will take place in the Marquesas in 2011 to Nuku Hiva.
The MARQUISES maintained a wildness
The Marquesas are a distant destination
During your stay in the Marquesas, enjoy these specialties:
- Goat Coconut Milk
- Ika mito: raw fish marquisien
- Popoi: fermented fruit flesh of the breadfruit
- Kaaku fruit of the breadfruit cooked over a wood fire

Found in the Marquesas, many fish and products from agriculture (coconut, lemon and grapefruit).

Algeria The Sahara land

For who like to walk, the Sahara in Algeria takes its finest, thanks to the harsh beauty of tassilis (plateaus) and the majestic peaks of the Hoggar. For those who do not like the desert, northern Algeria opens again: whether Alger "White" Kabylia or Roman sites Tipaza, Djémila or Timgad, the choice is wide and often amazing.

ID card
- Capital: Algiers.
- Currency: Algerian dinar.
- Day: November 1st.
- Time difference: no lag in winter compared to France, one hour less in summer.
- Official language: Arabic, Berber, French.
- Major cities: Oran, Constantine, Annaba, Tamanrasset, El Golea, Tlemcen, Ghardaia, Bechar, Biskra, Sidi Bel Abbes.
- Religion: the vast majority of Algerians are Muslims. Strong Jewish and Christian minorities.

- Population: 35.4 million inhabitants

The country is roughly divided into three climatic zones: the coast, the north, the Mediterranean climate; the mountains (northwest and southeast), where it snows and freezes in the winter, while summer is very hot; finally the desert, which represents most of the territory of Algeria, where the heat is bearable in high region (tempered by altitude), but overwhelming in the lower regions.

Algeria is the largest country in the Maghreb. Its territory deep plunges south in the Sahara desert, which constitutes more than two thirds and extend where large deposits of oil and natural gas. Population, very young, is concentrated in the north, along the coast to the Mediterranean climate and the mountains of medium altitude, as the Aures and Kabylia.

2,382,000 square kilometers

Mount Tahats, 2918 m.

1 280 km

While the desert covers most of the territory of Algeria, one can also find other types of landscapes: the coast, north succession of rocky coves and long white beaches, in mountains of Kabylia, the slopes covered with forests and where it snows in winter easily, and finally in the many oases, with their ksars with sparkling walls, their palms and their extraordinary gardens.

To see / to do
- Tassili Hoggar Assekrem (hermitage) tassili Ajjer (rock carvings) Tadrart;
- Valleys (Tefedest, Amadror) oasis (Timimoun).

The landscapes of the north:
- Mzab Kabylie.

- Tlemcen, Tipaza, Djemila Cherchell Timgad.

- Algiers, Oran, Constantine, El Oued.

- Oran to Annaba.
when to go
To visit the great cities of the coast, it is better to choose the spring or early fall. Spring is a perfect time because the scenery is much greener than summer and the weather is mild and sunny. Be aware that it can get quite cold in the winter in the mountains.
Sheep, goats, camels, foxes, wild cats, weasels, jackals, gazelles.
Date palms, oaks (cork oak or zéens), cedars, pines, olive trees, cypresses, oleander, many fruit trees (lemon, almond, apricot, orange, pomegranate ...).
Agenda festivities
- March-April: Feast of the town of El Oued;
- July 5: Independence Day;
- Ramadan: the ninth month of the Islamic calendar (lunar months are and will shift a little more each year compared to the Gregorian calendar), the month of fasting and prayer ending with a Grende party;
- November 1: Anniversary of the Revolution;
- Eid al-Adha: Feast of Sacrifice, begins seventy days after the end of Ramadan;
- January 1: New Year's Day.
- The gradual return to a "tourist life" and not just in the south;
- Diversity: those who do not want to venture into the wilderness can visit Algiers, the mountainous Kabylie or Roman sites in the north;
- French is widely practiced.
- The country, convalescent, just emerging from five years of turmoil and to consolidate its new image;
- The Mediterranean coast remains to "revitalize" it is still not very popular with international tourism.
The image of a corseted and austere country no longer valid once the threshold of a tavern where the manifest rai vogue, mainly in Oran are crossed. If you want to have an idea of Algerian youth in transition, both dreamy and protest, this is the place to go.
Northern Algeria has not quite finished with the time of the 1990 attacks, but security is not an empty word. The tourist is still invited to be well informed before approaching a particular region.
- Couscous, the national dish. It is composed by region, mutton or chicken, chickpeas, vegetables (turnips, eggplant, zucchini), decorated with raisins and accompanied by steamed semolina;
- The Chorba soup, mutton, vegetables and herbs;
- The bourek, filo pastry with a filling made ​​of onions and fried eggs
- The berkoukes pasta shaped large grains of couscous;
- The barbecue, whole roast lamb on a spit;
- The dolma, dish stuffed with meat and vegetables with spices;
- The kesra, slab of wheat, barley or couscous;
- The Chakchouka, tomatoes, peppers (green, red and yellow), onions and garlic cooked ratatouille and sometimes with eggs;
- The keddid, dried meat (usually lamb);
- The makrots, cakes lozenges with honey and dates;
- The dizriettes, small pastries with almonds and honey flavored with orange blossom;
- The Kalb el LOWZ, semolina cakes with almond paste and rose water.

- Olives;
- Figs;
- Dates;
- Oranges;
- Clementines;
- Melons;
- Watermelons.

lundi 18 août 2014

How do you like india ?

"How do you like India? "At the ritual question posed to visitors most of the people of India, can be answered with a broad affirmative. Backed by a rich architectural heritage, the myth of the fervor and sanctity was first trained generations of backpackers on the defunct "Passage to India". Today, visitors from all styles began to travel around India.

ID card
- Capital: New Delhi is the capital of India.
- Currency: Indian rupee is the currency of India.
- Feast: India, the Republic Day is celebrated on January 26.
- Time difference: when it is noon in France, it is 3:30 p.m. in summer and 16.30 in winter in India.
- Official language: India, neighboring Hindi with fifteen recognized languages ​​and thousands of dialects and is spoken by an Indian in three.
- Major cities: Mumbai (Bombay), Calcutta, Chennal (formerly Madras), Pondicherry are the major cities of India.
- Religion in India, Hindus, followers of the Vedic religion, the majority (83%). Represented Muslims about 10% of the population. In India, there are also Christians, especially in southern India, and Sikhs.

- Population: India has 1.13 billion people

India has three seasons: winter, summer and monsoon season. The sunniest months are going to India from November to March.

India is a vast territory that the frequently mentioned under the term "sub-continent". This is a broad peninsula that extends deep into the ocean which India has given its name. To the north, India shares borders with many Asian countries, including China, Pakistan and Bangladesh for the largest in area.

India covers 3,287,590 square kilometers

Kangchenjunga, better known as the K2 8,611 m, is the highlight of India.

The coasts of India extend over 7 000 km

Since India is a vast territory, its landscapes are extremely diverse. In northern India, the landscape is one of the most mountainous of the world because there is a part of the Himalayan range. In southern India, the temperatures are very high. The tropical climate enjoyed by some of the Indian subcontinent has created deep and lush jungles.

Cuba travel Guide

Many years ago that the authorities have decided to revive tourism in Cuba to make up for lost time and currency. They expect hundreds of miles of coastline in Cuba, on mountain landscapes conducive to hiking on perennial traditions like salsa (born in Cuba), the warm welcome of the people, and also some pictures as 'hackneyed image of the inhabitants of Cuba, cigar in mouth leaning on an old American car.

ID card
- Capital: The capital of Cuba is Havana
- Currency: In Cuba we pay in "convertible peso" (CUC)
- Feast: A Cuba's Independence Day is celebrated on July 26.
- Time difference: When it is noon in France, Cuba is 6 pm in summer and winter.
- Official Language: The official language of Cuba is Spanish
- Major cities: Santiago de Cuba, Camagüey, Holguín, Guantánamo, Santa Clara, Bayamo, Cienfuegos, Pinar del Rio, Las Tunas
- Religion: In Cuba, one in two do not claim any religion.

Un ancien fonctionnaire devenu agriculteur privé à Cuba
- Population: In Cuba, there are 11,309,000 people

In Cuba, there are two seasons. From November to April is the cool season. From May to October, Cuba, is the rainy season. The weather is very hot and humid and precipitation are important on the coast of Cuba.

Located in the Caribbean Sea, Cuba consists of the main island of Cuba, the Youth and over 4,000 small rocky islets.

Cuba extends over 110,860 square kilometers

The highest point is the Pico Turquino Cuba at 2005 m

The length of the coast of Cuba is 3 735 km

Most of Cuba is covered by fertile plains. Cuba also has a few mountain ranges modest relief (Sierra Maestra along the south coast, Sierra del Escambray in the center of Cuba, Sierra de los Organos west).

Un ancien fonctionnaire imite une vedette de la chanson cubaine à La Havane

- Beaches of the Caribbean Sea (Varadero, Cayo Largo, Cayo Coco, Guardalavaca)
- Cruises around Cuba

The cities of Cuba:
- Baroque churches, cathedrals and colonial houses (Trinidad, Havana, Santiago de Cuba, Cienfuegos, Sancti Spiritus, Baracoa), Che Guevara mausoleum in Santa Clara (hero of Cuba)

Landscapes of Cuba:
- Oriente (Sierra Maestra Sierra del Escambray)
- Sierra de los Organos Valley Vunales
when to go
The best time to discover Cuba's winter, during the dry season. Avoid starting in September and October because of hurricane risks.
In Cuba you can see: Zunzuncito or hummingbird; Eleutherodactylus iberia; Bat butterfly; Scorpion-tailed; crocodile; parrot; woodpecker; Rossignol; Tocororo; Solenodon Cuba (very rare mammal)
In Cuba you can see: White Mariposa (national emblem of Cuba); mahogany; cedar; Ironwood; mango; guava; grapefruit; avocado; Chocolate orchids; palm; Pin; coconut; eucalyptus; baobab
Agenda festivities
Dates not to miss in Cuba are:
- January 1: anniversary of the triumph of the revolution in Cuba
- January 28: Feast for the birth of Jose Marti (politician, poet and hero of Cuba)
- Feb. 24: Commemoration of the beginning of the second war of independence (1895)
- April 19: Anniversary of the victory of the Bay of Pigs in 1961, Cuba on the United States
- April (third week): international percussion festival in Havana
- May: Folklore Festival in Havana
- July (first week): Del Caribe festival in Santiago de Cuba
- From July 25 to 27: National Day of Cuba
- Late July: Carnival in Santiago de Cuba and Havana
- August (second week): No Habana Cuba hip hop (rap festival in Havana)
- July 30: Day of the Martyrs of the Resistance
- October 8: Celebrating the death of Che Guevara (hero of Cuba)
- November: great contemporary art event in Havana
- December (first week): International Jazz Festival in Havana
- December: Festival of Latin American Cinema in Havana.
- The dynamics of tourism, including Cuba chose to make a major economic asset after the loss of Soviet umbrella
- Cuba has one of the richest historical heritage in the Caribbean.
- A cost of tourist life in Cuba is higher than it appears
- The geographic, economic and human cleavage between visitors and locals in tourist places
- An unfavorable climatic season between June and October, on Cuba.
Leave a little salsa and mojitos, barter them for a sunrise over the valley of Viñales: it is the other magic of Cuba, but you have to hurry to go there and do not repeat it .. .
Precautions before going to Cuba
The country is one of the safest in the Caribbean region. Few flights we deplore in any case as long as the western tourist does not flaunt his wealth.
Cuban cuisine is a mix of Spanish, Asian and African influences
- Tortilla with meat and cheese
- Suffrito
- Congri: meat (chicken or pork) with rice and black beans
- Zambrilla: fried banana slices
- Chicharrones: fried pork skin
- Picadillo the habanera: minced veal
- Guenguel: dessert made ​​from corn, sugar and cinnamon

Cuba is known for its:
- Cigars, emblems of Cuba
- Green bananas
- rum

Sweden Travel guide

In Sweden, tourism relies on broad horizons of forests and lakes as well as the virtues of a bracing climate. A trip to Sweden offers an ideal territory for hiking in all kinds, whitewater rafting, explore Lapland, midnight sun and northern lights!

ID card
- Capital: Stockholm
- Currency: Swedish krona (SEK)
- Holiday: Flag Day, June 6
- Time difference: No time difference
- Official Language: Swedish
- Major cities: Gothenburg, Malmö, Uppsala, Orebro, Norrkoping, Västerås, Linköping, Jönköping, Helsingborg, Boras
- Religion: Protestant (Lutheran) include a large majority of the population. The Church is separated from the state since 1983, minorities of Catholics, Pentecostals, Greek Orthodox, Muslims and Jews.

- Population: 9.1 million people

The climate is continental in Sweden south and subarctic in the north. The winters are cold (especially in the north) and the summers are pretty cool. The weather is very sunny in June but the light is scarce in winter when snow falls in abundance. Pleasure travelers, Sweden is also the land of the northern lights and midnight sun observable beyond the Arctic Circle.

Central countries of the three Scandinavian countries took scissors between Finalnde and Norway, Sweden is also one of the three that is sinking further south than Denmark, seeming to want to hit the northern coast of Germany.

449,964 square kilometers

Kebnekaise 2,117 m

3 218 km

Sweden is covered by vast forests and dotted with lakes. Its coasts, jagged have donnné birth to hundreds of islands, many of which are uninhabited. North of its territory on the border with Norway, mountains rising to over 2000 meters.
National parks (hiking), National Park Tyvesta national park Gotska Sandön, Gotland
Lapland (hiking, midnight sun, northern lights, wildlife)
Lakes (fishing), Gota Canal (cruising)

Winter sports
Dog sledding, snowmobiling, cross country skiing
when to go
The best time to go to Sweden period lasts from May to July, rainfall is low and mostly sunny. For lovers of winter sports prefer the period from December to April.
Renne; Castor; Lynx; Ours; Cerf; Elan; fox
orchid; Pin; birch; willow; Spruce; oak
Agenda festivities
- January 13: Feast of Saint Knut
- March 25: "Waffle Dagen", day waffles
- April 30: Feast of Walpurgis
- June 6: National Day
- June 24: Midsummer (St. John)
- August: Feast of cancer
- Late August: Feast of the eel
- November 10: Saint Martin, where traditionally the day when a goose is eaten
- Dec. 13: Festival of Lights to celebrate the longest night of winter
- A vocation for nature tourism and appropriate structures
- A trip for all seasons
- The growth of low-cost flights
The cost of tourist life remains quite high
The "modern" activities of such expeditions by dogsled or snowmobile, for example Jukkasjärvi, are decidedly in tune with the times
Like other Nordic countries, Sweden, for the tourist, a very peaceful country. So no major problems to report.
- Kottbullar: meatballs served with a puree
- Renstek: roast reindeer
- Crayfish
- Gravlax Salmon: Marinated salmon in lemon juice flavored with dill
- Smörgåsbord: large plate that can be made ​​pickled herring, smoked eel or meats
- Goose stuffed with prunes
- Varm Korv: sandwich which is similar to hot dog
- Waffles, "Waffle"
- "Semlor" pastry cream topped with a marzipan
- Kanel Bulle cinnamon cake
- Roedgroed soup with red berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, berries, wild strawberries)
- Rhubarb jelly

- Cheese: The Graddost, the St. Olof, Västerbotten and Vadenost
- Blueberries
- Berries
- Wild Strawberries
- Potatoes
- asparagus
- herring
- Reindeer meat and momentum

San francisco

More European than its neighbor Los Angeles, San Francisco is one of the favorite destinations of American French. Known for its steep streets, which hosted many races cinematic pursuits, its colorful wooden houses, and "Cable Car" (trams) that go up hills, this multiethnic city is noted for its rich culture. Capital and beatnik hippie movement, San Francisco is home to many quaint neighborhoods, the gay Castro District and a huge Chinatown, symbols of freedom and tolerance that characterize the mythical city of gold rush.

ID card
- Currency: Dollar
- Holiday: Independence Day, 4 July (1776)
- Time difference: When it is noon in France, it is 3 am in San Francisco.
- Official language: English has gradually evolved into "Anglo-American."
- Religion: The majority of people are protesting, but many religious minorities have found their way to San Francisco, given the multi-ethnic character of the city.
Le Golden Gate Bridge marque la rencontre entre les eaux du Pacifique et de la baie de San Francisco, aux Etats-Unis.
- Population: 750,000 inhabitants

In San Francisco, the temperature differences from one season to another are low. In summer, it's hot but the wind can sometimes blow hard. In winter, the temperatures are mild, with very cool nights.

Without Francisco is located in the county of the same name, at the tip of a peninsula about fifty kilometers. The city is situated on several hills, some of which gave their name to the neighborhoods (Pacific Heights, Nob Hill, Twin Peaks ...). The center is home to several historic neighborhoods including the Mission, the oldest district of San Francisco where Latinos are now in the majority, the gay Castro district, or Haight Ashbury, which saw the birth of the hippie movement. In the north of the city, overlooking the San Francisco Bay Area, there are several residential areas (Russian Hill, North Beach ...) and a huge Chinatown.

130 square kilometers

- San Francisco Museum of Art (photographs and modern paintings)
- Asian Art Museum (America's largest museum dedicated to Asia)
- California Palace of the Legion of Honor (European Art)
- Chinatown
- Golden Gate (the bridge and the park)
- Berkeley Art Museum
- Haight Ashbury and (neighborhood birthplace hippie movement)
- The former prison Alcatraz
- Seals of Pier 39
- The fisherman's Wharf (restaurants and shops on rehabilitated docks)
when to go
At any time of the year or in the summer for those who wish to enjoy the sun. Famous for its fog, the weather in San Francisco is rather temperate cool summer and mild winter. The average temperature is 14 degrees. In spring and summer the days are very sunny but rarely hot. The best time is from April to September.
Agenda festivities
- In mid-February: Chinese New Year. Large parades and marches dragons in Chinatown in San Francisco to celebrate the Chinese New Year
- April: Cherry Blossom. Cherry blossom festival in the Japanese community
- End of June: Gay Pride Parade. Parades of floats and music to the largest gay festival
- Last Sunday in June: the Castro Street Fair. Gay party in the Castro District
- April-May: International Film Festival.
A great cultural diversity.
- The absence of old stones and distant past to contemplate
- A relatively high cost of tourist life.
Vue imprenable sur San Francisco et sa baie depuis la Coit Tower (Etats-Unis).
San Francisco enjoys a unique culinary diversity. According to the desires and neighborhoods where you will find you will have the opportunity to sample nearly every cuisine in the world
- Clam chowder: clam soup served in a bread
- Pizza in the Little Italy neighborhood
- Hamburger: prepared based on fresh beef in real restaurants
- Caesar's salad: romaine lettuce, chicken and croutons with Caesar dressing
- Hash browns: shredded potatoes and fried in a pan
- Biscuits and gravy: hotcakes and bechamel sauce
- Sandwich ten loaves choice, vegetables, meats, cheeses, there's something for everyone
- Mexican and Asian dishes: burritos, tacos, beef with broccoli, it's everywhere
- Pumpkin pie: pumpkin pie

- The California wines
- Beef
- Fruits

Lyon travel guide

High place of the French gastronomy, Lyon invites you to enjoy its most famous dishes (rosette, jesus, dumplings, fritters) in the famous "caps", these typical small and quaint restaurants. A rich architectural and religious remarkable heritage, the city of Lyon delight for walkers, with its old neighborhoods, the ancient theater, churches and large pedestrian squares, lively day and night. Often wrongly described as a bourgeois town, sleepy, Lyon has been known for thirty years an important cultural and demographic renewal, confirming its status as a European crossroads.
To discover Lyon, we must lose in Old Lyon: walk towards the Basilica of St. John and head towards that of Fourvière. Also inescapable. Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon, home to the second artworks collection of France after the Louvre ... The tour will continue in the historic heart of Lyon to visit the peninsula and up Bellecour. Going back to the north-west of the city, the walker will stop up Soils before reaching the area of ​​Croix-Rousse, a great place to have a panoramic view of the city. It should also visit the many museums in Lyon: the Textile, the printing or the Gallo-Roman Museum. Of mini cruises are offered on the Saône towards the island of Barbara. And the traveler will not leave Lyon without eating in one of the famous "caps."
when to go
Lyon knows the harsh winters, better from the spring and early fall for évitre the tourist season (July-August).
Agenda festivities
Do not miss to Lyon:

- In late January-early February: Chaos dance festival in Lyon-Villeurbanne
- End of March: International Fair of Lyon
- In late March and early April: Festival From one world to another (world music)
- May: sound Nights (electronic music)
- June-September: Fourvière Nights in the Roman theater of Fourvière (concerts, dance, theater)
- September: Biennial Dance and Contemporary Art
- Early December: Festival of Lights (street performances, lighting to thank the Virgin for saving Lyon from the plague)
- Lyon offers one of the richest and most varied cuisines of France.
We must discover the rich gastronomy of Lyon in the famous caps, typical restaurants
- Sausages (rosette, sausage, jesus ...)
- Lyon Caviar: lentil salad
- Firefighter Apron: slice of tripe marinated in wine and fried
- Dumplings: dish made of semolina, milk and egg in pike flesh, poultry or veal
- Andouillette white wine served in a mustard cream and accompanied by fried potatoes
- Brain weaver: cottage cheese with sour cream, flavored with vinegar, olive oil, white wine, shallots and herbs (parsley, chives)
- The donut: sweet pastry and fried in oil
- The Catch: brioche with candied fruits and chocolates

Lyon's reputation is well established for:

- The charcutailles (rosette, sausage, sausage ...) and poultry
- Fish
- Vineyards

dimanche 17 août 2014

Japan the Golden Pavilion

Too far, too expensive, too inaccessible, for a long time, Japan has been likened to a kind of planet Mars in the Far East. A fascinating archipelago, a highly refined civilization, a distant star, appealing, but unaffordable.
With falling airfares and the growing strength of the euro since 2000 (the exchange rate has become favorable for European travelers), everything changed. It is possible to travel to Japan in backpacker, with a small to medium budget. Add to that the will of the Ministry of Tourism of Japan to open the country to a new more economical tourism.
Megacities first: Tokyo, the largest city in the world, an electric urban world, fast-paced, sparkling. Kyoto, the ancient imperial capital, a city of art and geishas, tea and ikebana. Nara, artistic and religious cradle, spiritual city of monks, aristocracy and Buddhism, but Nikko perched high in the mountains, Kamakura to the seaside, Hakone door of Mount Fuji, the majestic symbol of Japan, see the spring when the cherry blossoms bloom.
Pavillon d'or
Connected to the archipelago of high technology reserve all new, this is especially the kingdom of robots! It is also the land of manga and video games. The nature lovers will not be disappointed either. As soon as one moves away from the coast, we find an almost savage Japan: mountains with slopes covered with forests, snow-capped volcanoes, mountain lakes.
And what about the hot springs, famous onsen? This is the ultimate in Japanese etiquette


There are several Thailand. First, Bangkok, more than 12 million people, and urban megalopolis hyperactive monster when you get lost with pleasure. Then south, islands, beaches and rocks rising up from the sea, its spicier cuisine, has a slightly different and Muslim influences. Finally, the North, deep Thailand, with former original founding kingdoms, its relaxed pace of life, its Buddhist temples, its fertile land, its mountains and forests ... Three Thailand so physically and culturally different.
However, from one end to another in Thailand found the national qualities: a strong identity, Siam never colonized and have developed arts, culture and even own alphabet. Acumen and social conventions of politeness, modesty too much, peace and dignity. A strong religiosity and jointly an almost reverence for the Royal Family, God's chosen (openly criticizing the king is punishable by imprisonment!). Finally, a lot of humor, and a strong appetite for everything from fun especially - Thai Epicureans, always ready to party, eat well and drink well.
Unfortunately, the mercantile spirit and increasing tourism could distort places the amiable character of Thais. So: coastal strip sacked, transformation privileged sites in ghettos tourists, rising prices, profitability takes precedence over the service, etc.
That said, Muang Thai (etymologically, "the land of the free") remains one of the last countries in the world that so many quality ingredients for a successful recipe for an ideal holiday: wooden bungalows on sleepy beaches, vast rice fields and jungle-covered hills, living traditions, speedés businessmen and ancestral tribes, refined and varied cuisine at prices (still) ridiculous.
Doi suthep

Martial law was declared May 20, 2014, following a military coup. Remember, it is always recommended to keep away from possible events (although now banned by the ruling junta) and keep abreast of the situation on the website of the Embassy of France in Thailand.
The Department of Foreign Affairs advises against the far south of Thailand, where a state of emergency is in effect provinces Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala, Songkhla and.
In addition, the caution in the border areas of Burma (risk of robbery and various traffic).

GREECE - The reasons to go

no need to go far to discover wonderful things ... that's exactly what we said when we arrive in Greece. Moreover, he will have more than one travel through this beautiful country. Just the colors illuminating the sky at bedtime is a breathtaking spectacle. This is also in Oia, a small town of Santorini, the followers of that time are found.
There are countless tourist attractions of the country as they are numerous. Many of us have already understood since each year the country is overrun by tourists. The coast of mainland Greece and the Greek islands are truly taken over, including Crete, Corfu or Rhodes. Cyclades seem more sensitive despite liners passing through them. If an image needs to be borne in mind here are of course those little white buildings with blue shutters with lime. But hard not to stop in Athens, where the Acropolis reflects the rich history of the country, like Mount Olympus and its divine legends. What immerse themselves in ancient times and take a little for a god ...


Crete, attached to Greece since 1913 island spans 260 km from east to west and 60 km from north to south. Often called the Island of the Gods, it is surprising in its history. According to Greek mythology, Minos, son of Zeus and the beautiful Europe, was born there.
Mountainous with three ranges, it is of plots of green through the trees that are found through the land. This is also one of the regions of Greece where most oil is produced olive. In the East, warm the orange groves often rocky aspect of Crete.
The island attracts hikers by the diversity of its landscape. The gorges are amazing journey, often achieve the pebble beaches, where everyone can enjoy a drink or rest. Those of Samaria, with their 16 km, are are reputed to be the longest in Europe.
Throughout the journey, you come face to face with monasteries and chapels white, reminiscent of the Cretan tradition, mixed today a modern twist. Fishing ports, such as Sitia offers color palette and sense of serenity. Heraklion, the capital, we marvel at its cultural wealth. Crete is finally a place where sea, sun, mountains and plains are involved in attracting researchers of fresh air

Porto undefeated city

1) Porto "undefeated city"

City of 238,000 inhabitants, the second most populous city in Portugal after Lisbon, Porto is located in the north at the mouth of the Douro.

She was named "Portus" (the port) by our dear good old Romans, there are more than 2,000 years. She knew become known thanks to its maritime and commercial activity.

weekend porto, visiter porto

But go to visit Porto, firstly you should know that since 1996 Porto was declared World Heritage by UNESCO, which can give you an idea of ​​the incredible architecture of this wonderful city. 
Besides the inhabitants (O Porto, pronounced u'po you - thank you wiki) are incredibly sympathy! 

Ok, it's beautiful stuff, but I know not at all Porto !! It's not too far !? 
Nay, you are only two hours flight! 

The fare varies according to the season, as everywhere else! But if you take in advance you can easily find a ticket for less than 50 €, to spend a weekend in the city of Porto. 

The airport is named "Francisco Sá Carneiro," once you get there, the E subway line connecting the airport to the rest of the network will allow you to get to the center of Porto. Ticket price: € 1.75 for 35 minutes of travel. The ticket is valid for one hour, so you can come and go during that time! 

Once in the center of Porto, the ticket price is 0.90 € (well since the last time!). 

To best use the Porto Metro, so you need to get a pass (for each person), but importantly you must purchase the ticket "go", via this ticket "pass" you can use for web other trips into town by simply changing the area.

tram Porto
The lines A, B and C themselves, through the city from west to east. Line D that she traveled to the city from South to North (Porto has 5 subway lines). 

Idea of ​​night on the tram: 

See the sea in Matosinhos (you will find several restaurants grilled fish - you will find them in the last street before the sea.) 
Walk walk to Foz do Douro

restaurant à porto, découverte de porto
Vinhas of Alho (Muro dos dos Bacalhoeiros 139 - 4050-492 Porto) 

restaurant in porto, porto discovery 

4) How to visit Porto 

You Rua do Almada, another small market street near the Santa Catarina Street and the big market of Porto: the Mercado do Bolhão!

marché porto

You should definitely take a stroll in this market, everything is authentic, rustic ... This is a real village market, where we see the real local, which makes the charm of this market. 

D on the map, you have the area of ​​Vila Nova de Gaia. Here you will find several cellars of port, this area is also a center for manufacturing this famous Portuguese wine: Vinho do Porto

Porto but is also known for its monuments and its bridges over the Douro! 

So it is imperative that you cross their bridge walk, a symbol of Porto! Dom Luis Bridge. 

But first take a break and join the Ribeira quay on the banks of the Douro (Cais da Ribera), you will be able to admire the traditional houses of this beautiful city. This place is very lively at night and you will see that it is also very lively day. It was at Ribeira you will find plenty of bar with music.

quai Ribeira porto

Besides, I think this is the place that offers the best view of the Dom Luis I Bridge (minute info wikipedia: "built in 1886 by Théophile Seyrig assistant Gustave Eiffel"). 
Note: This bridge connects the old town to Vila Nova de Gaia.

visiter quai Ribeira porto

Other ideas for visiting Porto 

The Stock Exchange Palace (Palácio da Bolsa), and the famous Arab area. 
Idea for a day trip: Barcelos (you will find medieval buildings) 40 minutes. 
Braga (30 minutes), nicknamed the "Rome of Portugal" 
The church of Bom Jesus do Monte with its majestic staircase (10 minutes from Braga)


Do you know the many cities that abound along the Adriatic Coast Rimini (resort), Cesenatico, San Leo, Urbino, Riccione, Cervia, San Marino ... Do you know the treasures that lie within, and that you must see during your trip over there on the Adriatic coast in Italy?

1) A point on the Adriatic coast in Italy

The Adriatic Sea is part of the Mediterranean Sea. Elawle is framed by the Balkan Peninsula to the east and Italy to the west. Real cultural and religious crossroads, she was for a long time dominated by Venice, hence its nickname "Gulf of Venice." Needless to say that these neighboring states are rich in history!

2) Visit Rimini, Cesenatico, Riccione!?

When you surf from site to site for information on towns on the Adriatic coast, one might think that this seaside coast is only concrete and young tourists, especially in Rimini! Then for some looking to have fun, flirt and sunbathe it suits them perfectly, and besides they are not wrong, you are going to burst my coconuts!

But for others it can scare them, and I am fully aware!

4 jours à rimini, fête à rimini, où voyager sur la côte Adriatique en italie

Except Rimini, Riccione and surroundings is not that much, it would be far off! This corner of Italy is part of a region rich in history with great cities and monuments to visit.
Voyage sur la côte Adriatique italie

So take a step back because the area is so beautiful, and your trip on the Adriatic coast just might surprise you! 

There are many little nooks with a fun and dynamic atmosphere, ideal for a drink or chatting on the terrace of a bar (many groups of musicians are) or even eating in small restaurants along the coast! 

So beware opinions too radical! 

3) What to see on the Italian Adriatic coast 

San Leo 
A little further inland, about 30 km from Rimini, a wild and picturesque countryside awaits you. At the top of this place, a sharp peak literally immerse you in a setting you'll remember!
Voyage sur la côte Adriatique en Italie san leo

Located north of Cesenatico, this very old city will immerse you in the heart of the story. It has many monuments from the Byzantine and Gothic. 30 km from Cesenatico, you can spend a great day, full of history. Ask you to visit the Mausoleum of Theodoric or Galla Placida. But as the church of San Vitale's Basilica or even Si. Apollinaris in Classe !!

vacance sur la côte Adriatique en Italie ravenna

Still 1h Rimini, Urbino is considered one of the most beautiful cities of the Italian Renaissance! If you try, you should definitely visit the Ducal Palace, to revel masterpieces of Raffaello, Verrocchio, of Giambellino, Piero della Francesca and many other artists! 

In fact the city is a large university in a case of the Renaissance.
Voyage sur la côte Adriatique, urbino_Palais Ducal

Well here fellow travelers, this side of the Adriatic now fewer secrets for you! You can leave your eyes closed to party but also to visit many wonderful places. 

Of course, as you will understand you better have a car to get around and explore the area! 

Feel free to leave comments to give other information, other good tips. I have not had the chance to visit all so I count on you to add information ...;) 

Personally I find this side of the Adriatic is very reminiscent of the Costa Brava in Spain (Lloret del mar, Blanes, Girona ...), what do you think !? 

See you soon!

London in 3 days

Let's go visit London in 3 days!? In this article I answer all your questions about what to visit, where to stay in London, where to shop, where to party ... With my London guide gift !!
At not even two hours of France, no need to ask a week to explore London! Of course, you can not see everything, but you already have enough to make !! London is at hand! :)
History of London
The subway map personalized with a color code to facilitate your stay (gift !!) How to explore London in two or three daysWhere to stay in London and how to get there from the different airports
1) Custom Map London Underground
Here we are: How to visit London in three days. Well it all depends on what you want to do! For some of you, this trip will be to go shopping, and for others it will aim to visit the British Museum, Tower Bridge, walk to Covent Garden or Camden Town!
Grande Roue Londres
Londres-plan de métro_map_personnalisé
Anyway I have exactly what you need to spend a weekend at the top in London;) 

To make this simple, because a pattern is sometimes more telling than words, I have you personalized map of the London Underground so you know where to go. 

To complete map of the London Underground, I also have a personalized Google Map accordingly so that you have in mind a plan of London. I know I know I'm super: p 

Here is the color code I used to facilitate the subway map (the color code is used on the metro): 

A Blue round for tours: Museums neighborhoods to see, markets ... 
A green circle for shops 
An Orange round for restaurants and bars ( find the website for evenings of madness) 
Round Green / Orange / Blue are the places that include sightseeing, shopping and restau ... So you understand me (well I hope) :)

Imprégnez-vous bien de cette carte et si vous pouvez l’imprimer c’est encore mieux! ;)
london bridge
Needless to say that in order to get from one point to another you have to use the Metro. Drop the taxi or bus, you'll take your head off. I myself have used the bus and taxi only once, the first it was a tourist bus for a tour of London, and the latter was returning from night of drinking ... 
For the metro card, you have the choice between Oyster Card or Travelcard Day. A ride on the subway without a map back to 4 pounds. Via the Oyster card, count £ 1.80 each way in Zone 1. Choose this one if you stay more than a day (£ 5 deposit for the card). A charge in the terminals (located around the stations). 
Metro schedule: Between 5:20 ET 1h, depending on the subway. If not here is the map of London bus, it'll take longer to get from one point to another, but it will allow you to see London differently!

Here is a google map that will be able to give you a glimpse of things to do:

Rome for week-end

Have you ever visit Rome !? Here I am back from my little trip to this beautiful city. For you, I created this article that will help you explore the city more easily. On the menu: Plan Rome personalized tours to the districts to do, where to stay in Rome ... In this article you will know everything from which to explore this amazing city!

History of Rome 

How to get there from the Airports 

Where to stay in Rome to be close to things to see
What and how to visit Rome during your stay 

A point on the RomaPass 

The map of Rome (with good restaurant and bars Apérétivo addresses) for free download (plus a bonus for visiting the beaches of Rome)

Hop hop hop coconut, what's that aperitivo !? Well aperitivo is a concept unique to Italians, it is to drink in order to have unlimited access to a buffet. Schedules vary from one bar to another, but from what I've seen is between 18h and 20:30. Go there because the atmosphere is very nice! But before we dive into visiting Rome, I'll start by telling you a little of its history (it's for your own good: p) 
1) The history of Rome - An open-air museum 
With over 2,790,300 inhabitants, Rome is the most populated city in Italy. She is the capital since 1871 (before it was Florence). 

The history of Rome spans over 2500 years! It was as you may know, the center of the Roman Empire. She dominated Europe, the Middle East and also North Africa for more than 500 years from the first century BC. AD
visiter-Rome- vatican
The historic center of Rome is located on the left bank of the Tiber. Besides the old center of Rome is one of the greatest historic cities in the world! Rome was also the largest city in the world at the Imperial era.
plan de rome
Rome was also a major center of Renaissance architecture also has profoundly affected this city. Browse City is a real step back in history!

2) How to go to Rome for the weekend

Before embarking on the tour of Rome, know that you will not have trouble finding a flight less than 40 € ticket. We went to two and we had 70 € / 2 people to go (in February), but of course why do not you do it at the last moment! So I went from low-cost to be able to have this type of cheap ticket (arrival: Rome Ciampino Airport: By A on the map). The only problem is that for the return, I was offered a start at 7:30 in the morning !!! No thank you! :
We therefore opted for a return ticket much more expensive (120 € / person) to another company (Hop: Departure 1:30 p.m.). The return flight against a left from another airport (Rome, Fiumicino-FCO: In C on the map). It always sucks to change airport but I did not see me at all to get up at 5am ... You decide! ;)

rome-aéroport GoogleMap
To save time during our stay and also to avoid being fleeced, I also booked the shuttle bus (via the site terravision) allowing me to reach the city center (for two: Arrival / return: 16 € ). Note that if you opt for the taxi return you'll get nearly 90 ... € (49 € Rome to Fiumicino Airport). The choice was quickly made for me!

The shuttle will take you to Termini station (B on the map, it is also here that from the shuttle to the airport of Fiumicino), and it's right for us perfect hair because it is here it is the easiest to fit. It is also here that I chose my hotel! I will give you the link later;) 
Go finish the waffle and start visiting Rome together, starting with this sublime picture taken by me next to the Colosseum! :)
Rome via dei fori imperiali

3) Where to stay in Rome

Here we are! Where to stay in Rome! Well housing issue you have a choice, you either choose to find accommodation near Termini Station you opt to be closer to the Vatican, or near the Piazza Navona (the friendliest but less easy to reach) to you see! 
Personally I stayed at the Hotel Impero , 5 minutes from Termini station (145 € / 2 people for two nights): Very clean room (with TV and mini fridge ) with a large bathroom and a large terrace. During breakfast by cons it was not great but otherwise I do not regret that choice at all! Here are some pictures;)
hotel termini rome
Before I give you a few hotels, here are two good friendliest advised me Internet pipes, I think it may interest you. These are apartments or rooms that offer inhabitants and HouseTrip, do a tour there because the prices are very interesting! 
Remember that Rome is a tourist town, the hotels are often booked over ... 

Paris in few lines


The most famous monuments of Paris back several different times, and we are thus travel through time and space in the city. In the center of the Ile de la Cite, Notre Dame Cathedral, built in the 13th century, north Basilica of the Sacred Heart built in the 19th century on the Butte Montmartre, west of the Eiffel Tower built in 1889 on the banks of the Seine. These three markers form a golden triangle to see the city from different points of view.
The Eiffel Tower symbol of Paris and France
This great lady, inaugurated by Gustave Eiffel at the Exposition Universelle, Paris dominates the height of 324 meters. And for more than 120 years, it overlooks its metal through the banks of the Seine and the Champs de Mars. At night, it sparkles with all its lights to mark the passing hours, an unforgettable sight for lovers of Paris. This masterpiece of mechanical art has inspired many artists, poets, painters, writers, filmmakers. It is the most visited paid monument in the world. Note, in addition to the classic rising three floors, it is possible to attend exhibitions or visit the private and the engineer Eiffel had been furnished apartment.
 Eiffel Tour
Champ de Mars, Paris 7e. Métro Trocadéro / RER Champ de Mars -Tour Eiffel.

Notre-Dame de Paris

World Heritage Site, it is one of the most remarkable masterpieces of Gothic architecture. It has many windows and rosettes, two, each measuring 13 meters in diameter, are among the largest in Europe. Its construction in the Middle Ages, spread over nearly two centuries, from the thirteenth to the fourteenth century, and has been in the 19th century after the French Revolution, a restoration led by the architect Viollet-Le-Duke. Gargoyles, spire, towers, bells, inspired one of the most famous novels of Victor Hugo, Notre Dame de Paris. Located in the historic center of Paris at the end of the Ile de la Cité and is the symbolic heart of Paris and all French road distances are measured from its square. Known around the world for five centuries, it hosts some days up to 50 000 visitors. A program of sacred music takes place there throughout the year. Open daily, entry is free. Visits towers they are paying.
Notre-Dame de Paris
Parvis Notre-Dame – Place Jean-Paul II, Paris 4e. Métro Cité, Saint-Michel / RER Saint-Michel – Notre-Dame

Le Sacré-Coeur

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart dominates Paris with its white dome. Located at the top of Montmartre, one of the highest hills of Paris, it offers one of the best views of Paris. This church with a Greek cross, and its crypt, is Romanesque-Byzantine style. It was built between 1875 and 1923 by architect Paul Abadie, after the Paris Commune. It measures with its dome 80 meters high. The ceiling is decorated with the largest mosaic of France measuring nearly 480 square meters. And it also has the largest bell weighing 19 tonnes of France, dragged Annecy (Haute-Savoie) to the Sacred Heart. 
On the hill below the basilica are the Place du Tertre and its painters, the Abbesses district where many small winding steep streets, and at the foot of the hill, the famous Moulin Rouge. 
Access to the basilica is free every day from 6 am to 23 pm. 